Codename: Kithe

This was a group project, and it is a prototype for a concept we had on a hackathon. The application idea was born by brainstorming loads of keywords that could fit the purpose of the hackathon: Traveling. We wanted something simple and clean on the outside; few but powerful click, yet display a user with desired information - such as Google Search.

The hackathon was sponsored by Berg-Hasen, a traveling agency, therefore the concepts had to do something with traveling. Hence, our concept was to create an application where a user had the option to specify a budget, and our goal was to give the user the cheapest trip, and if specified car rental.

We divided the teams into web developers and android developers. I had some previous experience with android, whereas my friend had little to nothing. Nevertheless, I guided him on the frontend development, in parallel to do the backend development for the application - link to the source code can be found on the bottom of the page.

Unfortunately, we did not win the hackathon, but we had a blast! FFor me, it was a minor taste of how it is to work with other peoples, as well as, experience something different than coding for school assignments.

  • Year: February, 2016
  • Category: Android Development, Hackathon